A graphic/visual designer currently based in New York.

TDC 69 Young Ones
D&AD New Blood 2023 Yellow Pencil
Design Education Awards

2D/3D Motion
Web Design

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︎ Behance
︎ Creative Coding

      Type design

      Collaboration with @Dexin Chen
Having an Asian name usually means one must experience a sense of cultural tension, alienation, and sometimes discrimination in the western society. Anglicizing an Asian name can be brutal as the rhythms, forms, and meanings are severed in the process.

In this project, we launch a campaign to resist the violence of treating Chinese names carelessly and to embrace the uniqueness of Chinese characters—we consider them as a combination of a painting and a melody. The digital platform allows people to learn the pronunciations and to generate motion posters which they can use to celebrate their identities.

D&AD Competition Video

Motion Posters

When correctly pronounced

When mistakenly pronounced
                When mistakenly pronounced, the character loses its shape.